Return of the Blog

I have to say, the blog part of this is proving very hard to keep up this time around.  It’s probably because I just want to play computer games lol.

Anyways, the weekend went right of the rails.  Thursday was spent packing and traveling back down to my mum’s then off to London for a trip to see Wicked.  There was a 3 mile walk done along the Thames but that was the only exercise that I did.  The diet was stuck to though.

Friday was ment to be a fast day but as I was due to be out in the evening I opted to have lunch and see if I could go all the way round to lunch the next day.  The lunch was not ideal, had chicken pasta bake made from gluten free pasta.  Managed to get a workout done in the morning.  The rest of the day was spent at Bluewater (almost 4 and a half hours) then it was on to a quiz night.  By now I was beginning to get very hungry and with nothing else available, I ended up having two slices of Chocolate Cake that had been bought to celebrate my mum’s birthday.  I then also consumed a whole tub (one of those big big tubs) of passion fruit and mango yogurt (one of about 4 tubs I had over the weekend, other flavours were rhubarb and also lemon zest).

The result of the cake and yogurt???? Headache, horrible aching headache.

The Saturday wasn’t much better.  No workouts were done and it was another day spent at Bluewater, this time catching up with a good mate whom I hadn’t seen for a while.  I did have a sandwich this day, chicken and bacon.  In the evening, Claire and I took my mum to an Indian for her birthday.  Again I had wheat, a garlic Naan along with my curry and rice.  The Naan resulted in instant bloating, so much so, that I could not finish my curry sauce.  We also had ice cream once we got home.

Sunday was another day spent at the shops, this time Lakeside on our way back to Stevenage.  Dinner was a little better but I did have haloumi and also a bun with my burger (though it was a proper GBK burger).  Again though, I got bloated.

The weekend did serve though to help me decide how I would continue with the diet after the program has all finished.  Firstly, Wheat is a no no, it bloats me straight away all of the time.  Also, things with sugar added to them need to be kept to a minimum, especially large tubs of fruity yogurt.  Thirdly, I think I may use my mum’s house as kind of a treat place.  So when I go and visit her I will not be too worried about what diet I follow and therefore not over burden her with making sure she has all the “right” foods for me that day.  We tend to visit once a month so this can easily be kept in check.

I was going to go on about choices and how we always make the choice ourselves, what we put in our bodies is our choice etc etc but the train of thought on that has vanished slightly since I was thinking of it a few days back.  I was then going to mention about smoking and how it also is a choice and doing it because you “enjoy” it even though it destroys the whole body.  But again I’ll leave that for now and just continue to express my feelings on the matter to Claire, how she chooses not to eat wheat coz it causes pain even though she enjoys it yet still smokes because she enjoys it even though it does a heck of a lot more damage.  It’s all way too illogical to me and I really don’t understand it at all.

I have also been thinking of how to continue the exercise once the program finishes and what works best for me.  I’m finding it very difficult to get things done at the weekend other than a proper athletics training session, so will have my weekends free from circuits.  During the weeks I will look to train more often in the evening and do a Dax Moy session first thing, rotating them throughout the week.  I am also considering joining a gym at some point.

Yesterday was ment to be a measurement day.  After the weekend I had there wasn’t really going to be much improvement at all.  The only things to change was my chest is half an inch bigger and my thigh 4 inches above knee is now an inch smaller.  Also my weight is either now 75kg (my scales) or 73.5kg (nurses scales).  I had a new patient health check yesterday (its pretty crap, highest amount of exercise on the checklist was 5 times a week) and came out with BP of 116/64 and pulse of 60bpm.  Not too bad.

On to the last week, todays fast is going well.  Lets see if I can get back on track.

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4 Responses to Return of the Blog

  1. Andrew says:

    Hi John,

    Motivation has been very hard for me this time around. Just so busy. I’ve emailed you – sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

    As for smoking – it is a really hard addiction from what I’ve heard and I’m sure that the decision isn’t based on logic. Sorry for what you are both going through.

    • schellinho says:

      It really has been the motivation that has been the sticking point. I’ll reply to your email either tomorrow or over the weekend, but don’t be daft 🙂 no need to feel bad 🙂
      take care my friend

  2. Deb Show says:

    That was quite a weekend! But sounds as if you’ve learnt a lot from it so not a disaster. And the chest increase is great – that’s the right direction for that : )
    The smoking is a tough one – no logic invoved there I think.
    On the ‘after’, you could always consider Reboot after the rest and recovery week. We usually get two routines a day, though after the first months I haven’t seen any rest days! It’s very structured and just like MAP it’s staggering how fast you progress strength-wise etc.
    Big push for the last week now : )

    • schellinho says:

      I think this whole MAP has been a bigger learning curve than any other. Rather than getting on it and banging out the exercise like a machine (which I did last time), I’m learning more about what the body and mind want to do.
      The reboot is an idea I have toyed with. It’s always beena concern though with how it would work alongside athletics training, would both go together hand in hand?

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